Photo Tips
Have a friend handy?
Ask them to shoot you while you strut your stuff. Style your outfit and either use a white wall or take a stroll outside.
All alone?
You don't need a second human to get ‘er done. Have a real camera? Use the self-timer. Prefer your smart phone? Use the self-portrait function (i.e. front view camera), point it at the mirror, or Use a self-timer app (like the 'Self Timer Apimac').
Camera Shy?
There's other ways to get creative.
Light makes it look Right.
Shoot in the daylight, outside or near a window. If that’s not an option, use enough light so that the colors and items are clearly visible.
Close Ups.
Take detailed shots of your pieces – Vintage button? colored seams? Subtle pattern? We want to see it all – up close.